Friday, September 5, 2008

How I Plan To Change the World in 30 Minutes...

...Or less.

How long does it take to change a mind? A split second. The power to infiltrate the senses of another human being and convince him/her that a particular idea is the perfect answer to his/her deepest heartache; this ability is the single most effective key to creating change. And that is my handy tool.

Create change in a human mind, and you set in motion a chain of events not unlike the domino effect. A cascade of thoughts, ideas, words and actions that inevitably produce the world you and I will be living in tomorrow.

So how do I go about this? I start at home. I start with myself. The greatest change I can make in this world starts with the change within me.

A few years ago, someone said, “I have a dream”. Decades later today, the United States has experienced a myriad of change in its laws and social order. Thanks to someone’s “dream”.

A dream that dared to anticipate change. A dream originating from a mind that was discontent with the status quo. A mind unwilling to accept the norms of the time. A mind more in tune with the future than the present. Such is the mind that creates the future. Such is the mind I see within myself.

I intend changing the world with a simple plan. As I look, I see. As I look at what is, I see what can be. I change the world in my mind. Then I set about changing it in reality. I see what can be. I decide what it requires. I map out my plan. Then I tell someone. The chain begins.

The formula works. Trust me. I don’t need a job to do this. It’s my life. It’s the reality I exist in. I have changed my world till date. Now it’s time to change more.

By the time you are done reading this, 30 minutes is almost gone, and I am well on my way to changing your world. Trust me.