Here's a selection from Tom Butler-Bowden's 50 Prosperity Classics. I listened to the audio book repeatedly and came up with a short-list of 21 books I need to read. Some of these are not part of the original 50 but were written by some of the authors.
- The E-Myth Revisited, Michael E Gerber
- The 80/20 Principle, Richard Koch (not part of original list)
- Multiple Streams of Income, Robert G Allen
- The Automatic Millionaire, David Bach
- The Art of Money Getting, PT Barnum
- The Little Book of Common Sense Investing, John C Bogle
- The Secret, Rhonda Byrne
- Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, T Harv Eker
- The Millionaire Next Door, Thomas Stanley & William Danko
- The Next Millionaires, Paul Zane Pilzer (not part of original list)
- The Intelligent Investor, Benjamin Graham
- The Essays of Warren Buffet, Warren Buffet
- The Lazy Man's Way to Riches, Joe Karbo
- The Art of the Start, Guy Kawasaki
- Enchantment, Guy Kawasaki (not part of original list)
- The Gospel of Wealth, Andrew Carnegie
- God Wants You to be Rich, Paul Zane Pilzer
- Open Your Mind to Prosperity, Catherine Ponder
- The Abundance Book, John Randolph Price
- The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith
- Do What You Love, the Money Will Follow, Marsha Sinetar