Friday, September 5, 2008

How I Plan To Change the World in 30 Minutes...

...Or less.

How long does it take to change a mind? A split second. The power to infiltrate the senses of another human being and convince him/her that a particular idea is the perfect answer to his/her deepest heartache; this ability is the single most effective key to creating change. And that is my handy tool.

Create change in a human mind, and you set in motion a chain of events not unlike the domino effect. A cascade of thoughts, ideas, words and actions that inevitably produce the world you and I will be living in tomorrow.

So how do I go about this? I start at home. I start with myself. The greatest change I can make in this world starts with the change within me.

A few years ago, someone said, “I have a dream”. Decades later today, the United States has experienced a myriad of change in its laws and social order. Thanks to someone’s “dream”.

A dream that dared to anticipate change. A dream originating from a mind that was discontent with the status quo. A mind unwilling to accept the norms of the time. A mind more in tune with the future than the present. Such is the mind that creates the future. Such is the mind I see within myself.

I intend changing the world with a simple plan. As I look, I see. As I look at what is, I see what can be. I change the world in my mind. Then I set about changing it in reality. I see what can be. I decide what it requires. I map out my plan. Then I tell someone. The chain begins.

The formula works. Trust me. I don’t need a job to do this. It’s my life. It’s the reality I exist in. I have changed my world till date. Now it’s time to change more.

By the time you are done reading this, 30 minutes is almost gone, and I am well on my way to changing your world. Trust me.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Love is not Blind

Love is not blind.

It just sees with the eyes of faith. This is why I can confidently love the one I love. I see not what she is now, no, but I see what others do not see.

I see her as my wife, the mother of my children, my daughter's role model, my mother's last daughter. My sister's confidant, my daddy's last born. My prized jewel, a wife worth much more than one.

Believing is not blind, if it sees the unseen. Believing is not blind to look at potential. Believing is what makes the potential to be seen.

Because I believe, I can love you.

Saturday, January 19, 2008


I was angry last night. Somebody pissed me off... And it felt good.
It's funny how rage makes me feel. Some people associate anger with negative emotions. I associate it with a rush of adrenaline, the feeling of power, strength, and clarity. I usually know exactly what I am going to do when I am pissed. I may express it in action. Or inaction. But my favourite is words. Quiet words. The right phrase placed in the right scenario will have the effect of a nuclear explosion, quietly unleashed... And with it comes the satisfaction of vengeance duly executed.
I really need to forgive more. Actually, as someone put it, forgiveness is informed self-interest. I agree. So after the nuclear attack, I do forgive. And then take a very nice nap. And wake up refreshed. ;)

Thursday, January 3, 2008


Welcome to Abule. I thought of a billion ways to start this blog and I had to just say that. Pah!
Ok, a little background first. Abule is simple Yoruba for village. But in this case, it's my little hamlet. A place where you can come over and hang out. And trust me, you'll always wanna hang out.
No parties with me though. Just gist. About a lot of stuff. Stuff you might not hear anyone else talk about.
So what do I want from you? Nothing much. Just leave a comment occasionally. And let's be friends.
With time, I intend to 'set up my crib' for anyone that wants to hang out more regularly. But let's see how this goes first.
So, what do you wanna talk about? Tell me. Now.